Page 15 - North Coast Visitor's Guide 2021-2022
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North Coast Visitor’s Guide 2021 - 2022
                                                                                 North Coast Visitor’s Guide 2020 - 2021  1313

        Fallen Zulu warriors, epic battles,
        colonial settlers and indentured
        labourers are just the beginning of the
        North Coast’s tumultuous history.
        Our people will forever honour the
        legends that have made the

        North Coast the cultural haven it
        is today.

        THE MIGHTY KING SHAKA              of any battle in South Africa. The site of the   on the North Coast was intertwined with the
         King Shaka, one of the greatest military leaders,   most brutal battle, eNdondakusuka, now exists   struggle of the oppressed Zulu people. Together,
         founded the town of KwaDukuza almost two   peacefully on the banks of the Tugela River   the Zulu and Indian population fought against
         hundred years ago and became the well-respected   beneath waving fi elds of sugarcane.  the Apartheid Government.
         ruler of the land. King Shaka’s military strategies
         were far superior to others in pre-colonial Africa.  THE ANGLO-ZULU WAR  Gandhi showed his humility and bravery
         One of his greatest triumphs, uniting the diverse   King Cetshwayo won the battle and ruled over   by providing medical assistance to Chief
         Zulu nation, exhibits King Shaka’s outstanding skills.   the Zulu people only to fi ght another war, this   Bhambatha’s injured soldiers during the
         King Shaka was killed by his brothers on   time defending his people against the British   Bhambatha Rebellion.
         24 September 1828, now commemorated each   settlers in 1879. Two battles of the Anglo-Zulu
         year in KwaDukuza as ‘Shaka Day’. The King   war were fought on the North Coast including  CHIEF ALBERT LUTHULI
         Shaka Vistors Centre in KwaDukuza, serves   the battle of Gingindlovu on 2 April 1879,   Chief Albert Luthuli was born in Groutville and
         as a memorial and was erected on the site of   when the British Army used machine guns for   grew up on a mission station near KwaDukuza.
         King Shaka’s grave in 1932. Beside the memorial is the   the fi rst time in history. The British forces won   He was given the title of Chief in 1935, succeeding
         rock that is believed to be the one he sat on when he   the war and took over the land for farming   his late uncle. Luthuli became president of the
         was assassinated.                 sugarcane. To work at the sugar fi elds Indian   African National Congress in 1952 and drew on
                                           people were brought in as indentured labourers.  his Christian faith and his status as an African
        THE WAR OF THE PRINCES                                               chief, to oppose the unjust system of Apartheid
         King Shaka’s death sparked a violent battle for  MAHATMA GANDHI     by identifying with and speaking on behalf of
         the Zulu throne that lasted for several decades.   Gandhi was instrumental in the struggle against   South Africans. His heroism was recognized
         The battle between King Shaka’s nephews plunged   the Apartheid regime. Gandhi proclaimed that   internationally when he became the fi rst African
         the Zulu Kingdom into civil war that resulted in   the destiny of the Indian community living   Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1961.
         the death of 6 000 warriors, the highest fatalities
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