Page 24 - North Coast Visitor's Guide 2021-2022
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22  North Coast Visitor’s Guide 2021 - 2022


                 BUCKET LIST

          A list of unique attractions that make the north coast the ideal holiday location. Tick off
          everything on this list before you leave the north coast and you’re left with memories of a
          fun-filled holiday and bragging rights.

         1.                                                 2.                Adventure Valley 1.5km Zipline
                            Microlight fl ights
                                                                               tour and 70m Waterslide

                             Experience the rolling sugarcane fi elds            Located 15km inland from Ballito, Adventure
                             and beautiful coastline of the North               Valley off ers activities for the whole family
                            Coast from above in an open microlight              with a 1.5km zipline tour; the fi rst-in-the-
                            cockpit. Feel the wind in your hair and the        world ‘parazip’ and a 70m waterslide to
                           warmth of the sun as you soar the skies.           cool down in the warm North Coast climate.
                         Ballito Microlights: 082 659 5550, Comefl y!        Adventure Valley: 032 942 8014 / 082 414 2448
                      Microlight Flights: 084 266 3359.

         3.                Harold Johnson                     4.               Luthuli
                            Nature Reserve                                      Museum

                             Situated on the South Bank of the Tugela           Offi  cially opened on 21  August 2004,
                             River, Harold Johnson is a delight for a           the Luthuli Museum includes the original
                            nature lover to spot wildlife species such          home of the Nobel Peace Prize recipient,
                            as zebra, bushbuck, impala, blue, red and          Chief Albert Luthuli, surrounded by manicured
                           grey duiker, vervet monkey, slender mongoose,      gardens. Admission is free, and all are
                         white-tailed mongoose, banded mongoose,            welcome to soak up the history. Luthuli Museum:
                      porcupine and bushpig. Birdlife, fl ora and butterfl ies   032 559 6822. Across the road is the site of
        are abundant in the 113 ha reserve. KZN Wildlife: 072 316 6716.  Chief Luthuli’s grave, often visited by international  and local dignitaries.
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