Page 37 - North Coast Visitor's Guide 2021-2022
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North Coast Visitor’s Guide 2021 - 2022  35

        Throughout the year, the North Coast hosts many exciting and popular events in all areas of the
        North Coast. Our thrilling events include cultural, sporting and family events. Here are just a few
        that are held annually.

        The Ballito Pro showcases the most daring surfi ng   Shaka Day annually commemorates the late King   Some of the artists that have performed in the past
        and spectacular acts from the best surfers in the   Shaka. Zulu tribes congregate in their numbers,   include:
        world. The event features the biggest beach festival on   adorning traditional wear and celebrating in song.  - Prime Circle
        the continent.                                                      - PJ Powers
                                          The Sugar Rush Classic uses the Holla Trails network   - Ndlovu Youth Choir
        The Annual Nazareth Baptist Pilgrimage sees   to off er 3km, 10km, 19km and 45km routes for cyclists   FEBRUARY/MARCH/APRIL
        thousands of Shembe followers walking to the   to enjoy.            - Easter Beach Festival, Willard & Salt Rock Beach
        Inhlagakazi mountain in Ndwedwe.                                    - Soap Box Derby, Easter Sunday Ballito Drive, Ballito
                                          Rage Festival, the ultimate youth music festival,
        The Coastal Living Bru - Food & Wine Festival is   features top international DJs and phenomenal local   - Kavady Festival, Shakaskraal, Tinley Manor,
                                                                             KwaDukuza, Darnall
        a well-known event for food and wine connoisseurs to   talent to celebrate the end of a successful academic year.  - Sugar Rush Classic, Ballito
        present their cuisine, off ering cooking competitions and
        fashion shows. The event is held during the Ballito Pro.  The New Year’s Eve Street Party has achieved   JUNE /JULY
                                          undisputed status as the largest New Year’s Eve party   - Ballito Pro, Willard Beach, Ballito
        The Chief Albert Luthuli Legacy Walk takes place on   in South Africa. The event boasts multiple dance fl oors,   - Coastal Living Bru - Food & Wine Festival, Ballito
        a Saturday on the anniversary of Chief Luthuli’s death   music genres, a live act and a triple-story VIP area.  - KwaDukuza Winter Fair, KwaDukuza
        on 21 July to commemorate Chief Luthuli’s fi nal walk                - The Luthuli Legacy Walk
        to the railway bridge where he died in a train accident.  Kavady festivals held annually in Shakaskraal,
                                          Tinley Manor, KwaDukuza and Darnall, are a great   SEPTEMBER
        The Christmas Craft Market is a fun way to do your   opportunity to take in the colourful, unique culture of   - King Shaka Day Celebration, KwaDukuza
        Christmas shopping while spending time with your family   the Hindu Indian population.
        and tasting the scrumptious food on sale.                           NOVEMBER
                                          Marriotts Ballito Beats is a series of outdoor fun   - Matric Rage Festival, Ballito
        The Soapbox Derby invites kids (young & old) to zoom   fi lled concerts that brings SA’s top musicians to Ballito.   - Christmas Craft Market, Ballito
        down the cordoned off  Ballito Drive, enjoying friendly   The event can be enjoyed by the whole family with food   DECEMBER/JANUARY
        competition and a street carnival atmosphere.  stalls and kids play area.   - Dolphin Coast Summer Festival, Ballito & Blythedale
                                                                            - New Year’s Eve Street Party, Ballito
               Due to COVID-19 most of the events are either cancelled or postponed so be sure to contact   - Blythedale Beach Festival
               the various organisers or the tourism offi  ce on +27(0) 32 946 1256 for the latest updates.  - Nazareth Baptist Pilgrimage, Ndwedwe
                                                                            - Litchi Festival
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